Week 10

For the week 10 weekly workshop we had individual time with our tutor that allowed us to ask questions and solve problems that I could not solve with just peer feedback. I asked my tutor about the problem I was facing with my Logo colour scheme and how I could solve it. The problem I was facing was that the logos I had created were all very simplistic but the first two fit the flat green colour scheme that related to the topic of budgies and money, the third colour scheme on the other hand was a complete variable and was purple and white. Although this was totally unrelated to the topic of money, my primary research found that the target audience preferred it over the other two.

After talking to my tutor he said why not try getting rid of the outlines of the budgie in the middle of the logo and simplifying it further. He also mentioned flipping the clashing yellow outline of the budgie with the background, so that the bird stands out a lot more. Here are the logos without the outlines. I personally think the first logo is now much more preferable than the other two colour schemes. The only problem with this first image would be attempting to fit the screens of the application around the yellow background.

Logos removed outline

I think this idea of the logo is smoother and makes the colours clash a lot less. They also look more professional than the other ones, the only problem with the yellow background is that it is quite vibrant.

Week 9

Throughout the Week 9 workshop Iooked at my colour schemes and the design of my logo, I also thought about the different ways in which I could get my idea across for evaluation and primary research. With the help of Week 8’s InDesign workshop I thought about creating a website for my final submission and including text files that I can create in InDesign. I thought about different stylistic approaches to creating a professional website and how I can get the theme from my application screens over to my fake website. I thought about using Photoshop to create a graphic to go on my website and use either a spark page, dreamweaver or wix.com to create a webpage. After talking with my tutor I found out that I could also use Adobe Muse.

Week 8

The week 9 workshop focused entirely on InDesign and working through different text styles and this was eye opening for me as I have never really used the software. Although I found it challenging in the beginning of the workshop, I managed to sort it out by the end of the workshop. We had a look at an online journal/gaming magazine and how the design could  be improved and then we had to remake it by importing the pieces of text and graphics into InDesign. We were allowed free range to create whatever we wanted, wether it would be changing the colour scheme so it was not too distracting for the viewer’s eyes. I had a look at the logo and how it was too big for the page, I also looked at how it was a black graphic on a white background and how by changing the background colour to white, we could make the background fill of the logo look like a transparent png. I would probably use InDesign in the future if I was focusing on newspaper articles or magazine, but other things I would probably use illustrator or photoshop.

Week 7

Throughout the week 8 workshop we were independantly looking at what work we had to do on the gantt chart and when we had to complete it by. I focused on Logo ideas, whilst I was at home I redrew my logos into illustrator (originally on paper) and then I made sure to edit out the lines of the lined paper. The lines made it difficult to create a professional image, If I was to redraw them I would trace them on a blank piece of paper instead of lined paper. I looked at the different colour schemes and I tried different greens and yellows that fit with the theme of my screens. I chose a specific colour scheme off Adobe Color, this showed that colours like emerald and flat yellows complemented each other quite well. I need to set up a style sheet/ ideas sheet of all of my different logo designs.

Week 6

For our weekly workshop we were looking at organising our pre production, production and post production time into a Gannt chart in Microsoft Excel 2016. As I had not looked at excel personally before, this deemed a challenge. We were shown a helpful YouTube video to allow us to complete this objective and we could either use an easier google version or the more precise and more aesthetically professional way of completing this in Microsoft excel. gannt chart print screen

This Chart will help me to stick to a schedule and will allow me to alter the dates if certain tasks do not get completed within the time scale. Even though I had not used Excel before, this became simpler as the time throughout the workshop went on and I was even able to help out a peer who was having trouble with their Gannt chart.